March 25th. Nationwide Lockdown has been announced by our honourable prime minister. Till then we had no idea of how it is going to be to live in a locked down state as it never happened before. Slowly but steadily we all signed up for a fight against an unknown and deadly threat, the COVID-19.


I will be sharing my experience and views of lockdown till now, it may be fascinating or maybe selfish to many of the people out there. I never looked into the lockdown matter as a dreadful depressing time, rather I thought that it might be a good time to explore the unknown or to reopen the lost pages of mine.

I started in that way, studying about photography, reading and reorganising old books, drawing, practicing new compositions, and reading about how to grow in instagram, and also not to forget, the online streaming platforms who were my constant companions.

So, busy with all these things, then I met someone on instagram. Someone who is different and unique in all the ways, rather I would say a very heart winning person. She is making my life way more happier than it ever could be in every possible ways, and all this is happening because there was nationwide lockdown.

On another side, which I don't like to think about is that people are dying. Innocent people are dying all over the globe. This is sad and heart breaking, but the Amazon fires was also sad, the pollution all over the world is also sad, ozone layer depletion is also scary, global warming is not at all acceptable, overuse of resources and increasing population are not good for mother nature. We the humans have used the nature and it's resources at our own will, without thinking of the other species. In the name of development, we have scribbled over the very planet that we live in. We haven't thought of making it a better place for all the species but we only thought of development and betterment of our own kind. Karma has it's own rules and we all have to give a payback for what we did over the years. It may not be a happier scene to see humans die, maybe we will also die but that's the hard reality we have to accept. Nature always balances itself. It always does so, and it will. Let's stay safe and stay at home. May be at the end of this COVID-19 situation, we can think and act rationally to make and revert back the earth as it was, the GREEN planet, not a jungle of concrete and a planet of smokes.